Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Helicopter Operations and Night Capability
eggbeater Operations and Night CapabilityIN INDIAN CONTEXTThe pearly is probably the just about versatile instrument ever invented by man. It approaches closer than any different(a) to fulfilment of mankinds ancient dreams of the flying horse and the magic carpet. Igor Ivanovitch SikorskyCHAPTER IINTRODUCTION reach1. After having flown the fixed wing nervous straincraft successfully in 1903, man turned his attention towards the more(prenominal) complex and challenging problems of flying a rotary wing. The visionaries had capacious since prophesied the possibility of a vehicle that would takeoff unslopedly before moving forwards. The recorded evidence of this idea was found in the Chinese books as ahead of time as 400 BC, but it was probably all around 1490, when Leonardo da Vinci came up with his sketches of a similar vehicle, that the concept of eggwhisks actually advanced. patronage this, the jump free passage was performed only in November 1907. Unlike the planer, a helicopter is an aircraft with rotary wings. The capability to h over for long durations allows the helicopter to accomplish tasks unachievable by other means. In addition, the versatility and ease of operation, compared to a fixed wing aircraft make water helicopters an excellent choice for all kinds of trading operations, by day and especially by night. increase of eggwhisk2. The earliest mentions of a vertical flight fix been in a Chinese book written in 4th century BC, referred to as Pao Phu Tau1. Some 1 asked the master about the principles of mounting to dangerous pinnacles and travelling into the vast inane. The Master said, Some have made flying cars with wood from the sexual part of the jujube tree, using ox-leather straps fastened to returning blades so as to bent the machine in motion2. However, it was in 1490, when Leonardo da Vinci had the imagination to devise a machine made of wood and starched linen, called the helical screw. This machine, operated by a s pring mechanism, was supposed to literally screw itself vertically into the air. This machine, shown in chassis. 1, was the origin of the backchat helicopter. The word is a combination of the Greek words, Helix meaning spiral and Pteron meaning wing3. There subsequently, in July 1754, Mikhail Lomonosov demonstrated a small coaxial rotor for lifting meteorological instruments. Christian de Launoy, and his mechanic, Bienvenu, made a present with a pair of counter-rotating rotors, using turkeys flight feathers as rotor blades, in 1784.3. Between the Fifteenth and Twentieth Centuries, equal to(predicate) machinery needed to produce helicopters, like turbine engines and rotors, was not yet made possible by assembly lines, but as the Industrial Revolution prompted factories and technology accelerated, the helicopter evolved. One of the jump breakthroughs in helicopter advancement was by George Cayley who produced a converti-plane in 1843. A man named Bourne flew the helicopter-like aircraft a year recentlyr. Spring-like contraptions inside, apparently provide this model. All helicopter models at this time lacked suitable power to achieve flight and were both bulky and heavy4. In 1877, Enrico Forlaninis unmanned helicopter, powered by a steam engine stayed at a height of 13 m for 20 secs after a vertical takeoff. However, Breguet-Richets Gyroplane No. 1 achieved the first successful vertical flight, in kinfolk 1907. Since this machine did not have any control or steering devices of its own, this could not take the reference point for the first helicopter to make a truly free flight. Paul Cornu claimed this recognition in November 1907, when he flew his Flying Bicycle at a height of 0.3 m for 20 secs.4. During the World War I in 1917, the engineers of Hungarian Ganz Company designed a radical motorized flying machine to supplant the dangerous hydrogen-filled balloons, thence existence rehearsed to observe enemy positions. This aircraft flew to a height of over 50 m. 120 hp engines and two massive woody propellers turning in opposite directions supported it. It was int winduped to lift a pilot program, an observer, a machine gun and supply for an hours flight. Because of great success and curious design, galore(postnominal) specialists consider it as the worlds first real helicopter5. The quality and quantity of production materials increased, and great modifyments were made in the field of engine technology in many another(prenominal) parts of the world including Europe and the United States. An aircraft model for armament advancement was needed for more versatile and precise war tactics. With better technology and more need, the next step in helicopter advancement would soon come.5. Meanwhile, Juan de la Cierva was developing the first practical rotorcraft in Spain. In 1923, the aircraft that would become the basis for the new helicopter rotor began to take shape in the form of an autogyroscope. Cierva had discovered aero dynamic and structural deficiencies in his early designs that could cause his autogyros to flip over after takeoff. The flapping hinges that Cierva designed for the C.4 allowed the rotor to develop lift equally on the left and right halves of the rotor disk. A crash in 1927, led to the emergence of a drag hinge to relieve further stress on the rotor from its flapping motion. These two developments allowed for a stable rotor system, not only in a hover, but in forward flight. Albert Gillis von Baumhauer, a Dutch aeronautical engineer, began studying rotorcraft design in 1923. His first prototype flew (hopped and hovered in reality) on 24 September 1925, with Dutch Army-Air arm Captain Floris Albert van Heijst at the controls. The controls that Captain Heijst used were Von Baumhauers inventions, the cyclic and collective. Patents were granted to Baumhauer for his cyclic and collective controls by the British ministry of airwave on 31 January 1927. At the same time, Boris N. Yuriev a nd Alexei M. Cheremukhin constructed and flew a undivided rotor helicopter that had an open tubing framework and utilized two anti-torque rotors, one each at tail and nose. Another Russian, Nicolas Florine, built the first twin tandem rotor machine to perform a free flight, in 1933. The Brguet-Dorand Gyroplane Laboratoire was built in 1933. After many ground tests and an accident, it first took flight on 26 June 1935. Within a short-circuit time, the aircraft was setting records with pilot Maurice Claisse at the controls. On 14 December 1935, he set a record for closed-circuit flight with a 500-meter (1,600 ft) diameter. The next year, on 26 September 1936, Claisse set a height record of 158 meters (520 ft). And, finally, on 24 November 1936, he set a flight duration record of one hour, two trans deeds and 5 seconds over a 44 kilometre (27 mi) closed circuit at 44.7 kilometres per hour (27.8 mph). The aircraft was destroyed in 1943 by an Allied airstrike at Villacoublay airport. Despite the success of the Gyroplane Laboratoire, the German Focke-Wulf Fw 61, first flown in 1936, would eclipse its accomplishments. The Fw 61 broke all of the helicopter world records in 1937, demonstrating a flight gasbag that had only previously been achieved by the autogyro. Nazi Germany would use helicopters in small numbers during World War II for observation, transport, and medical evacuation. The Flettner Fl 282 Kolibri synchropter was used in the Mediterranean Sea, while the Focke Achgelis Fa 223 Drache was used in Europe. Extensive bombing by the Allied forces prevented Germany from producing any helicopters in large quantities during the war.6. In the United States, Igor Sikorsky built the VS-300, a single rotor design with a smaller rotor mounted vertically on the tail boom to counter the torque produced by the of import rotor. certain from this design, the R-4 became the first mass produced helicopter. This was also the only allied helicopter to see work in the Wor ld War II. Sikorsky produced over 400 helicopters of R-4, R-5 and R-6 types before the end of the war. Meanwhile, Bell Aircraft built the Model 30, which later developed into Bell 47, which became the first certified helicopter for culturedian use and remained the closely popular model for headspring three decades.7. In 1951, Charles Kaman modified his K-225 helicopter with the turbo-shaft engine. This was a major development in terms of reducing slant penalty. On 11 December 1951, this became the first turbine powered helicopter, followed by Navy HTK-1 to be the first twin-turbine helicopter, in 1954. However, Alouette II was the first helicopter produced with a turbine engine6. More development were seen during the 1960s and 70s overdue to the Vietnam War. These advancements were fuelled by the militarys necessitatement for advanced helicopters for use as gunships, missile-launching platforms and for the rescue of the wounded troops. The Bell 209 Cobra was one of the helico pters produced at that time. Thereafter, with further advancement in technology, came the era of Tiltrotors. McDonnell produced their Tiltrotor UAV and Bell/Boeing produced the model 609, the worlds first commercial Tiltrotor7. eggbeaters have continued to develop with the advancing technology and concepts like NOTAR, contra-rotating rotors, etc., have come into being. The helicopters have also found employment in nearly all walks of life and will continue to develop and find more areas of usability in the future. Nevertheless, for India the helicopter age started in the mid 1950s when a couple of Sikorsky helicopters flew in the Indian skies for the first time. The initial build-up was slow. The war with China in 1962 gave the necessary impetus to the chopper fleet in the armed forces. Since then there is no looking back8.CHAPTER IIMETHODOLOGYWhen once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been, and there you wil l always long to return. Leonardo da VinciStatement of the Problem1. To identify and study the component parts and challenges for night operations by helicopters and to invoke measures to overcome these, in Indian context.Hypothesis2. Helicopters are going to be employed in greater numbers all over the world and India is no exception. Night helicopter operations will become a necessity due to the utilization of these machines in greater numbers as well as the future trends. Thus, India needs to improve the infrastructure and the support services to optimally utilise these flying machines by ensuring their unhindered operations by night.Justification for the accept3. The year 2008 had been declared as the year of the Helicopter, in India. The incredibly complex flying machine has come a long way and is at present whirr at Indias doorstep like never before, both in the civil and military sectors. That is why the third International Seminar Heli Power India 2008 turned into a ring success after Heli Power India 20069. In addition, in August 2009, U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) awarded a grant to the Directorate General of Civil aura (DGCA), in India, to help update regulations and practices governing helicopter operations. The USTDA grant, to be carried out downstairs the auspices of the U.S.-India Aviation Cooperation Program (ACP), will aid in the egress and development of Indias civil aviation sector by fostering increases in the volume of helicopter operations in the expanding Indian market10. Even though the suppuration of civil helicopter industry has stalled a bit in the world scenario, there is optimism in its growth in India. In a presentation at HELI-EXPO 2006, Air Vice Marshal Sridharan said, India is truly a helicopter country on account of its diverse topography11. This was because of the interlacing rivers and numerous hill ranges that impede the development of rail/road network. Helicopters are routinely employed by civil admini stration to support Government operations to connect to population centres in close to of north India. Also since India is prone to natural disasters, wherein helicopters are utilised in a big way for relief operations, the need for, and thus the numbers of helicopters in operations is going to steadily increase.4. The helicopter strength has not increased greatly in the defence services, though there are plans to upgrade the alive fleet as well as procure new helicopters in the near future. This will be mandatory keeping the internal security scenario in mind post 26/11 incident at Mumbai. Along with the increase in the number of helicopters, the changing scenario is laying more emphasis on night operations, throughout the world. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate our capabilities to be able to undertake unhindered helicopter operations by night.Scope5. This study concentrates on speech out the present and future roles envisaged for helicopter night operations, both civil and military, in Indian context. The paper is also intended to analyse the challenges to these operations, not considering the pecuniary implications, and make some recommendations to enhance helicopter operations in India.Method of Data Collection6. The data/information for preparing this dissertation has been collected through books, periodicals, aviation magazines, journals and articles available at the Defence Services Staff College Library, Wellington. Handouts issued by the College and unlike text file presented on helicopters have been referred to. Due to the paucity of literature in the library, articles, publications, papers by professionals available on internet have been extensively used. Many aspects have been discussed with officers from the helicopter stream of all three services. Bibliography of the various sources has been appended to this paper.Organisation of the sermon7. The paper has been organised into chapters. It is proposed to study the subject in the follow ing manner-(a) Chapter I. Introduction(b) Chapter II. Methodology(c) Chapter III. Characteristics of a Helicopter(d) Chapter IV. Helicopter Operations in India(e) Chapter V. Helicopter Night Operations Civil(f) Chapter VI. Helicopter Night Operations Military(g) Chapter VII. Requirements for Night Operations(h) Chapter VIII. Challenges in Night Operations(i) Chapter IX. Recommendations(j) Chapter X. ConclusionCHAPTER IIICHARACTERISTICS OF A HELICOPTERHelicopters are really a bunch of parts flying in relatively close formation all rotating around a incompatible axis. Things work well until one of the parts breaks formation. Anonymous1. Unlike an airplane which uses the engine thrust for forward propulsion and the fixed aerofoil sections (wings) for the lift, a helicopter uses a set of rotating aerofoil sections (rotors) for both the lift as well as the directional motion. The engine power is primarily used for rotating the main rotor. It also has an anti-torque system in the form of a vertical tail rotor/contra-rotating coaxial main rotor or in some types called the NOTAR, the thou efflux from the main engine is used for this purpose. This method of lift generations bestows the helicopter with the ability-(a) To takeoff and land vertically(b) To hover over any condition point(c) To move in any direction, i.e. forward, backward and sideways(d) Turn through 360 over a given point.2. At times the helicopter require a short air strip to be able to carry out Short Takeoff and get (STOL) instead of the Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) due to the power necessity for VTOL not being available. This would depend on the-(a) All Up Weight (AUW). More the AUW more will be the power required for VTOL.(b) Winds. Like conventional aircraft, helicopters takeoff/land most efficiently, when pointed into wind. Stronger the head winds the more efficiently the machine behaves.(c) Density Altitude (DA). This is a function of the overabundant temperature and the dens ity at the operating altitude and this determines the performance of the helicopter. Lower the DA better is the performance and load carrying capacity of a helicopter.Types of Helicopters3. The helicopters are classified into various types based on their Maximum Takeoff Weight (MTOW), their role and their design12. Based on the MTOW they are classified as-(a) Type-I (Heavy) Skycrane S-61, Chinook, Mi-26(b) Type-II (Medium) Bell 205(c) Type-III (Light) Jetranger / Md-5004. Based on the role they are classified as-(a) Utility helicopter Mi-8, Mi-17, UH-1 Huey(b) Armed helicopter/Gunship A utility helicopter with modified firepower(c) Attack helicopter Mi-25/35, AH-64 Apache(d) Airborne proterozoic Warning (AEW) helicopter Kamov Ka-32(e) Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) helicopter Seaking(f) Multi-mission and Rescue helicopters Chetak, Cheetal(g) Observation helicopters OH-58 Kiowa, Gazelle(h) Training helicopters Robinson R22, Cheetah(j) Skycrane helicopters Sikorsky S-64(k) Helitack helicopters Bell 205(l) MEDEVAC helicopters Sikorsky S76-C+(m) Unmanned helicopters Sikorsky Cypher II, Bombardier CL-327 Guardian5. Based on their construction, they are classified as-(a) Conventional (Single rotor and tail rotor combination) Alouette III, HAL Dhruv(b) NOTAR (No Tail Rotor) MD Helicopters 520N, Aerotcnica AC-14(c) Tandem rotor CH-47 Chinook, Boeing Vertol 107-II(d) Fenestron Eurocopter EC120B, Arospatiale Gazelle(e) Tip jet rotor McDonnell XV-1, Hughes XH-17(f) Coaxial rotors Kamov-32, Sikorsky S-69(g) Synchropter Flettner Fl 282 Kolibri, HH-43 Huskie(h) Compound helicopter/Gyrodyne McDonnell XV-1, Kamov Ka-22(j) Tilt rotor Bell/Boeing V-22 Osprey, Bell/Agusta BA 609(k) X-wing Sikorsky S-72 (only experimental)Advantages over Fixed Wing6. The major advantages of a helicopter over a conventional fixed wing aircraft are as follows-(a) Ubiquity. The ability of a helicopter to operate from any/every place, without the requirement of a inclined(p) surface, is its biggest advantage. This is also the major factor which favours extensive night operations by a helicopter, as it does not require elaborate infrastructure for night operations.(b) Flexibility. The helicopter is very flexible in terms of task performance. It can be converted from one role to another with minimal time, resources and effort. This characteristic aids in ease of operations by night wherein there would be constraints in terms of lighted space, etc.(c) Vertical Envelopment. Helicopters can achieve and maintain vertical envelopment without the need for a linkup.(d) Versatility. The helicopters ability to fly at all speed regimes (i.e. 0 to maximum) and at very low heights, permits the use of terrain masking to improve its survivability and thus its utilization in combat scenario. This property also propels the use of helicopter in various civilian applications like survey, meteorological observation, etc.(e) logistical Support. Due to the above-mentioned a ttributes, the helicopter is the ideal platform for speedy logistic support in confined/inaccessible areas both for military as well as civilian needs.(f) Under Slung Load. Helicopters also have the advantage of carrying the cargo/payload either inside their fuselage or, if the size/shape of the cargo/payload so demands then, outside as an under slung load, with minimal penalty.(g) Weather. Helicopters can be flown in weather conditions like poor visibility and precipitation which would not permit flight of an airplane, owing to their versatility. Availability of better onboard avionics has improved its all weather capability manifolds.(h) Night Operations. Owing to its ubiquity, versatility and the capability to operate in marginal weather conditions, helicopters make an ideal choice for night operations.Limitations7. Helicopters do have certain disadvantages as well, in comparison to a fixed wing aircraft. Some of these are-(a) modified Speed. Due to the characteristics of rotati ng rotor blades (tip speeds approaching 1 Mach) helicopters cannot travel faster than about 350 kmph13. These speeds are very low and unsafe in a combat area.(b) open fire Consumption. Helicopter consumes more fuel than a conventional aircraft in performing the same task.(c) express Range. Helicopters being smaller, carry lesser fuel. This coupled with the higher(prenominal) fuel consumption have a severe limitation on the range of operations of helicopters.(d) Payload. Helicopters have to strike a balance between the size and weight of the intended payload viz. their own design and manoeuvrability. The bigger the intended payload the bigger the helicopter and lesser is the manoeuvrability (applicable for both internal and under slung loads). Also, the payload capacity of the helicopter reduces more rapidly with increase in altitude, compared to an airplane.(e) Maintenance. Maintenance is difficult due to large number of moving part14.(f) High Cost. Rotorcraft being complex cost m any times more than conventional airplane of similar performance, both in procurement as well as in operations.(g) Noise Vibrations. Helicopters are inherently noisy and prone to vibrations due to the rotor dynamics. This is problem area for both civil as well as military employment of these machines.(h) Limited Service Ceiling. In general, helicopters have a much lower service ceiling compared to an airplane. Additionally, most of the helicopters have an unpressurised cabin/passenger area, thereby forcing them to operate at much lower altitudes, due oxygen considerations.(i) Vulnerability. Noise, low speed and limitations due load are the major contributors to military helicopters being penetrable to enemy fire. Thus, the armour requirement for the helicopter depends on these factors.CHAPTER IVHELICOPTER OPERATIONS IN INDIAAny Air Force that welcomes the onset of darknessis well on its way to victory Mark HewishCivil Helicopters1. Though the history of helicopter dates back to 4 00 BC, for India the helicopter age started in the mid 1950s when a couple of Sikorsky helicopters flew in the Indian skies for the first time15. These helicopters were for the Indian Air Force. The first commercial helicopter flight was undertaken by Capt. R Captain in a Hiller UH 12B in Nov 53. Helicopters in both civil military have been in service of the nation for over 59 years. From 1953 to 1986, the commercial use of helicopters in India was limited to small Aviation companies who were involved in communication and crop spraying roles. The formation of Helicopter Corporation of India by the Govt in 1986 (later named Pawan Hans Helicopters Limited) with a fleet of 42 helicopters provided the first boost to the Industry in the country. The growth rate has registered double digit only since 2004. Since then, until 2007, the growth of civil registered helicopters has been very modest, as shown in Fig 216.2. Against a global average of one helicopter per half million people, in I ndia the ratio is one helicopter for five million. The Rotary Wing nine of India (RWSI), the only society of its kind came into existence in 1998 and that too due single handed efforts of Air Vice Marshal (Retd) K Sridharan. Despite the late start, the prospects for growth in civil helicopter fleet are bright. The rapidly growing economy with activities spreading to remote, inaccessible areas, increased dependence on air travel and the ever widening search for energy reserves could propel growth in the next few years17. Realising the potential shown by civilian helicopter operations across the country, the civil aviation ministry is reportedly setting up a Helicopter Mission to coordinate helicopter operations and deliberate on relevant issues18.Military Helicopters3. The build up of military helicopters was slow and the impetus to the fleet actually came only after the 1962 war with China, although some helicopters did see action in that war itself, primarily in the casualty evacu ation role. The earliest helicopter pilots in India were former Fighter and Transport pilots who for medical reasons or service exigencies were moved to helicopter units. They were coreed by some pilots of the Auxiliary Air Force. The first true blood chopper pilots were commissioned with the 83rd Pilots Course in 1963. As no helicopter training facility existed in India, those flight cadets who were selected to fly choppers were sent to the UK or USSR for their initial conversion before returning home to join Mi-4 or Chetak units. Subsequently a Logistic Support Training Unit was set up in Allahabad for training helicopter pilots, and this was later converted to the Helicopter Training School, which is soon located at Fighter Training Wing in Hyderabad19. From this modest beginning the IAF has grown in strength and capability to now participate in international exercises as well as in UN peace keeping missions all over the world.Helicopter Industry4. Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) came into existence on 01 October 1964. The Company was formed by the merger of Hindustan Aircraft Limited with Aeronautics India Limited and Aircraft Manufacturing Depot, Kanpur. The Company traces its roots to the pioneering efforts of an industrialist with extraordinary vision, the late Seth Walchand Hirachand, who set up Hindustan Aircraft Limited at Bangalore in association with the erstwhile princely State of Mysore in December 1940. The Government of India became a shareholder in prove 1941 and took over the Management in 1942. HALS involvement with rotary-winged aircraft dates back to June 1962 when, to meet the Indian Air Forces requirement for light helicopters, the Government of India signed a licence contract with M/s SUD-AVIATION (Presently M/s EUROCOPTER, France)20.5. The first helicopter type to be built at HAL Bangalore was the Alouette Ill, later named Chetak, with firm orders having been placed in January 1965, the piercing material production phase begin ning in 1969-70. The Alouette II, with the dynamics including power plant of the Alouette Ill was specifically developed to meet the Indian Armys stringent requirement and was christened Lama by the French (and Cheetah by the Indians). First Cheetah manufactured from raw materials was delivered in 1976-7721.6. Over the next twenty years, HALs Helicopter division produced hundreds of Chetak and Cheetah helicopters for the Indian Air Force, Navy, Army and Coast Guard as also for a number of civilian customers, including State Governments while a total or more were exported. This division has also produced the Dhruv helicopter (Advanced Light Helicopter-ALH) and its variants for the three services as well as for certain friendly foreign nations. It is currently pursuing the series production of the same and also developing the Indian Light Combat Helicopter (LCH)22.7. Indias attraction for helicopter makers is reaffirmed by strategic deals laid low(p) in the past year by key rotorcr aft players. Sikorsky Aircraft has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with a unit of Tata Group on the production of cabins for the S-92 helicopter and Eurocopter has expanded its manufacturing capability in India in collaboration with Mach Aero23.CHAPTER VHELICOPTER NIGHT OPERATIONS CIVILAny idiot can get an airplane off the ground, but an aviator earns his keep by bringing it back anytime, anywhere, under any circumstances that man and God can dream up. Walter Cunningham1. Helicopter is a unique and very versatile machine and can be deployed in variety of roles by modifying them even at a very short notice. The various civil operations that can be undertaken by helicopters in the night are discussed in the following paragraphs. The many other roles undertaken by helicopters like, the use of Sky crane, maintenance and repair of overhead high tension cables, etc. are not discussed here as these operations are likely to be undertaken in day only.2. Helicopter Emergency Medic al Service (HEMS). Helicopters are used as air ambulances for emergency medical assistance in situations when an ambulance cannot soft or quickly reach the scene. Helicopters are also used when a patient needs to be transported between medical facilities and air transportation is the most practical method for the safety of the patient. Air ambulance helicopters are equipt to provide medical treatment to a patient while in flight. The use of helicopters as an air ambulance is often referred to as MEDEVAC, and the service is known as Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS)24, 25.3. Disaster Management. Disaster relief and humanitarian operations have become an increasingly important part of missions undertaken by many air forces around the world. The very magnitude of natural disasters like the massive tsunami, seism in 2001 and the seasonal floods in country warrant concerted efforts by various agencies to cope with the widespread destruction caused. Inevitably the helicopter had yet once more featured as the primary air asset in bringing relief to the victims in these areas, be it food supplies, medical evacuation or exertion of rescue parties to the hard to reach stricken areas. Tactical transport helicopters were used in a variety of multi-tasked missions from various air force bases around the region. They provided a vital link in creating the bridge for movement of personnel and materials in areas with little or no accessibility. At times, these operations had to be delayed due to the inclement weather or the absence of night capability with the helicopter in use. These occurrences reiterate the need for the nations armed forces as well as civil agencies to maintain a modern and effective rotary winged element that is capable of responding to these situations, irrespective of day or night26.4. Airborne Law Enforcement. Police departments and other law enforcement agencies, in other nations, use helicopters to pursue suspects. Since helicopters can ach ieve a unique aerial view, they are often used in fraternity with police on the ground to report on suspects locations and movements. They are often mounted with lighting and heat-sensing equipment for night pursuits27. The same is likely to be inducted into our Police and other security agencies, in the future.5. Electronic News Gathering. Helicopters, due to their versatility ubiquity, have become a popular means of electronic news gathering. The helicopters come equipped with gyro stabilised zoom cameras mounted under the fuselage and all other associated electronic equipment onboard for a direct transmission on satellite television. They are also equipped with cameras and lights for night time operations. Though this is not yet proliferated to India, the time is not very far when well see couple of these helicopters operating overhead, on a 24 x 7 basis.6. Aerial Survey. Government and industries require various surveys like damp surveys, heat loss surveys, insulation integrit y, water ingress, electrical scattering inspections, aerial mapping GIS of cities, pipeline aerial surveys, landfill site surveys for detection of methane gas and leachate flows, animal censusing surveys, sub-surface heating pipe/wiring detection and mapping etc. For their proviso and development processes. These can be easily carried out by suitable equipment mounted on a helicopter. The advantage being that since the helicopter travels at a much slower speed and at a lower height compared to an airplane the sampling rate for each parameter would be that much higher
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